The use of pure oxygen in Fish Farming
The oxygen supply into the fish farms pools, is very a important issue for the farmers, because its level into the water influences heavily the following factors:
- survival of fish,
- growth speed,
- food assimilation.
During the last ten years, thanks to the acquired experience in controlling and managing fish farms, many technologies about oxygenation have been developped to suit the different needs. At present many farms find extremely profitable the automatic supply of oxygen directly into their pools or tanks. The use of this technology, even though the initial investment is considerably, allows to maintain into the pool a level of oxygen saturation near to 100%, comparing to the normal manual supply which can reach a maximum level around 70-75%. The possibility to keep the level of saturation point so high, gives good healty conditions to the fish. This leads to improve the above mentioned factors and, as a result, gives manu advantages as for the followuings details:
- more efficient food digestion,
- high levels of good conversion,
- better growth speed,
- high resistant to diseases,
- more oxidizing environment that reduce the possibility of accumulation of oxidizer materials on the bottom of tanks.